Reflecting back on the last year, PLUS ME is especially proud of our second annual LISTEN 2021 event.

This unique (and virtual!) opportunity for high school students in LA to be heard and celebrated was a success once again, thanks to your support. Our community collectively listened to the stories of the 5 'My Story Matters' scholarship recipients:

  1. Nyslai Bolanos, UCLA Community School

  2. Iliana Caballero, Huntington Park Institute of Applied Medicine

  3. Yasly Calvario-Ruiz, Northview High School

  4. Ignacio Perez, South Gate High School

  5. Airin Valdez, Alliance Ted K. Tajima High Schoo

In an effort to make LISTEN 2021 a meaningful & motivational experience (not just an application for students) +ME also hosted a virtual event for all applicants, the LISTEN 2021 Link Up. During this event, 25 students met, discussed their application experience and participated in a +ME storytelling workshop where they shared their struggles, accomplishments, stories and supported each other. Each participant also received a +ME storytelling journal. 

Cheers to our upcoming LISTEN 2022!!

Richard Reyes