Giving Tuesday 2021

On November 30, 2021, 100 Volunteers 100 Stories continued with our second campaign of the 2021-2022 school year: Giving Tuesday. Here is what past volunteers have said about the experience:

"I was able to use my own life experience to help guide youth. I wish this program had been there when I was young."

"Getting to share my story with the students was amazing, and hearing their questions afterwards was a lot of fun!"

"I was nervous that my story wouldn’t be impactful enough at first and wondered what story from my largely privileged life I would tell. Then I was nervous to share and fundraise, and now I’m so happy I participated in this event."

This year was no different - our 4th annual Giving Tuesday event was a smashing success! Thanks to our incredible volunteers, we were able to offer LA youth a full day of inspirational stories from adults in their communities. PLUS ME is so grateful for their stories and fundraising efforts that will help ensure we are able to continue this work. 

We concluded the evening of Giving Tuesday with a classic PLUS ME party where our volunteers celebrated their impact and shared their unforgettable memories interacting with students across LA.

A special thank you to our top 10 fundraisers:

Erin Harless

Heather Garcia

Eduardo Garcia

Beth Bythrow

Miguel Ortiz-Reyes

Araceli Carrera

Liz Carter

Philip Sanchez

Laura Singer

Frank Mundo

They will each receive a custom PLUS ME mug hand built by Cobalt & Clay!

Please stay tuned for our final 2021-2022 100 Volunteers 100 Stories event: Motivational March, where role models will share their inspirational stories with students throughout the entire month of March. We can’t wait and we hope you’ll join us.

Happy Holidays!

Richard Reyes