Why Journaling Is Important


PLUS ME encourages students and adults to journal. Here are seven benefits:

1 Reflection

We often move through the world so fast that we rarely take moments to pause and self-analyze. Journaling provides the much needed self-reflection that we often rob ourselves of. Self-reflection allows us to think about our actions and the ways we are choosing to show up in the world.

2 Acknowledging Milestones

Journaling provides a wider lens and helps us see how far we’ve come on our journeys. We can acknowledge and celebrate the many steps it took for us to get to where we are. We need to champion our milestones and focus our energies on the small accomplishments from our lives.

3 Vision Building

We manifest a vision by writing it down first. Whatever goal we have in our minds should always be mapped out on paper. Journaling what we want our lives to look like in the future helps us focus and properly direct our energy. Even if we don’t have all the answers, we have a sense of direction and can gain the clarity we need as we continue to move forward. 

4 Emotional Health

As human beings, we can experience a rollercoaster of emotions on any given day. However, sometimes we may not know where or how to express these emotions. Bottling them up can lead to explosive moments for us. Journaling can provide a safe space for us to vent and explore all the emotions that we carry.

5 Mental Health

The current state of our world has given rise to more anxiety and fear.  With depression and negative self talk added to the mix, our mental health is in dire need of a reboot. Journaling helps us manage anxiety and stress by identifying the root causes. This can help us improve our moods by making a conscious effort to speak more kindly about ourselves and our situations. 

6 Writing Skills

In this age of technology and texting, the written art form is a less explored space. It’s sometimes a challenge to get adults or students to sit down and write anything. If nothing else, journaling provides a great opportunity to improve our writing skills and increase our vocabulary.

7 Storytelling

Journaling can force us to recap our days and narrate the important moments that took place for us. After reflecting on our struggles and accomplishments, we can begin to develop our own stories. Those who journal often have an easier time building their stories and remembering what they experienced.

We are currently in Week One of Our Stories Matter and will begin writing in our journal next week. We hope you understand the importance of journaling and are excited to go on this journey with us. If you’re wanting to write more, we encourage you to keep a daily journal log where you write about your daily experiences. Be sure to write about what you are thinking and feeling during this pivotal moment in history.

Richard Reyes