Small Moments: The Emotions That Humanize Us

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Stories are nothing but a series of small moments that leave an imprint on our lives. With the help of the PLUS ME My Story Matters Journal, we guide you on how to dive deeper into those small moments and connect them throughout your story. Small moments are important because it is where you begin to express your thoughts and emotions more clearly and in depth. Usually expressing our emotions is something we pivot away from because of the vulnerability it entails. We often want to protect ourselves from those who might try to use our vulnerability against us, so we shy away from opening up. However, there is strength in vulnerability and instead of pushing people away, sharing your emotions can invite people in and build connection. 

In the words of Roman playwright Terence: “ I am a human being, nothing human can be alien to me.” By being vulnerable you are showcasing what it means to be human and as humans we have all experienced fear, joy, confusion, worry, pride, and grief. It is a wide, complex emotional spectrum but it is how we all can relate to and learn from each other.  

Moving forward: 

Journal about your small moments:

  • It provides mental & emotional clarity  

  • It provides a cathartic & healing experience 

  • It provides writing practice

Richard Reyes